Thursday, January 27, 2011

day drei

Day Three: Post a photo of the cast from your favorite show. Why do you love this particular show so much? Who is your favorite cast member & why?

My favorite show is Grey's Anatomy.  Man oh man do I love that show.  I die a little every Thursday once the episode is over.  I could watch it ALL day if possible. I didn't start getting into it until about a year ago.  (I'm caught up with all the seasons) My brother and sister in law Ben and Amanda used to watch it when Sonny and I lived with them and that's why we started watching it.  I can't get enough.  I cry in almost every episode.  Man last seasons season finale I was pregnant, and it was SO INTENSE.  Sonny and I watched it before we went to dinner and a movie with my aunt and uncle and my eyes were blood shot when we met up with them.  My aunt kept asking me if I was okay or if Sonny and I were fighting.  I'd have to say my favorite character is all of them.  I love Christina and Meredith as a pair.  As well as McSteamy and McDreamy.  Dr Bailey is amazing! Cali and Arizona are cute together.  Although they aren't together anymore and Arizona is making me mad.  Alex is such a sweetheart and great in Peds.  Little Grey cracks me up.  And Avery is hot.  I think Christina can do better than Owen but he's good to her.  Tonight is Thursday.  I can't wait to watch the new episode because freaking LAST WEEK was a dang rerun!

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